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Zeolite Anammox De-Ammonification Process
Collison Engineering
Municipal treatments include using zeolite-anammox to remove Total Nitrogen (TN) - primarily in the form of NH4, NO3, and organic N. Typical applications include:
Ammonia sidestreams from anaerobic digesters (filtrate / centrate)
Secondary effluents and final effluents from WWTPs
Water re-use and water recycling
Technical summary
Municip Tech Summary
Municip Pilot Reac
Pilot reactors
Hayward Marsh Pilot
5,000gpd Pilot Plant
Mainstream effluent at 35mg/L NH4-N
Horizontal flow by gravity - no pumping
San Francisco Pilot
90 L pilot plant
aerated reactor
1,700 mg/L sidestream influent.
Effluent NH4 = 170 mg/L; effluent NO3 = 5 mg/L
90% TN removal
Martinez Pilot
Flow is 35 MGD
6,000 gpd pilot
98% NH4 removal
Treating 25 mg/L NH4 Mainstream effluent
Aerated reactor
Water re-use
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